Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Riversedge Resort Bridal Makeup and Wedding at the Antique Boat Museum for Stephanie

A gorgeous August morning in Alexandria Bay area for Stephanie's wedding. I had only been in the area once before for a Senator's campaign commercials and it was Fall, chilly and wet. This was a wonderful change

Stephanie had a large bridal party and a late morning ceremony. We needed Jessica, Christina and myself to make the ladies lovely in a small window of time.With 3 makeup artists in one room, I decided to do makeup in the balcony. This was my view.
We each  make a face chart for each client after their trial. It helps us keep track of each bride's  look. We also create a signature look for the entire bridal party to keep the girls looking cohesive. They can choose from a natural or a more dramatic version.
Christina prepping a bridesmaid for her makeup application. 

Not many location offer a photographer a birds eye view! You can see I had to move into the room doorway, as it was getting too hot for makeup application on the balcony. I even got a slight sunburn out there!
Jessica always has a smile on her face when she is working!
Stephanie was such a fun easygoing bride.
Does she have the most amazing eyes, or what??

We started makeup at 6:45Am and the girls still look amazing!
So beautiful!
Thanks James Bass Photography for sharing these with us!

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    Best Bridal Makeup Artist in Salem
